Accredited provision for learning support  and character development for ages 11-19 

LoadedUK delivers character development programmes that are life changing for young people improving  relationships, developing resilience and increasing  self-belief in abilities.  

Our provision offers support through these accredited  awards; Edexcel BTEC, Baccalaureate, Active Citizenship,  Duke of Edinburgh and personal development awards. 

Our core values of trust, purpose and excellence is found  central to our approach, effectively producing growth in  character and ownership of decisions, leading to a proven  record of: 

• Increasing attendance and engagement 

• Students completing an accredited award and  qualifications 

• Increased application of literacy and numeracy contributing to a higher skill level and self belief  • Positive transformation of attitude towards authority  and work 

All of LoadedUK educational provisions offer an experience  that awakens learning through purposeful application.  

Our provision is curriculum aligned, supplies clear targets  and learning outcomes that help students chart their  progress and importantly develop skills for the future 


LoadedUK are accredited to deliver the Edexcel Personal and Social Development BTEC. The BTEC provides credits for students to gain an equivalent A-C GCSE grade at level 2. Course modules measure competence through a course workbook and completed projects

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Learning coach

The Learning coach programme aims to increase motivation and confidence in a pupil’s perception of their own ability to learn and make success of their education.Each session aims to increase an individual’s appetite to learn.  Students end up with a learning profile mapping their intelligence, VAC style and preferred team role that will equip students to understand their behaviour and manage it successfully.


Enrichment + Team leadership days

At LoadedUK we offer enrichment and leardership days.