Raising levels of motivation and aspiration
The Learning coach programme aims to increase motivation and confidence in a pupil’s perception of their own ability to learn and make success of their education.
Motivation increases when we see that what we contribute to is, valued and makes a difference.
Each session aims to increase an individual’s appetite to learn. Students end up with a learning profile mapping their intelligence, VAC style and preferred team role that will equip students to understand their behaviour and manage it successfully.
Session steps
STEP 1 – Understanding intelligence – Strengths and Weaknesses Students engage in various problems solving activities
STEP 2- Understanding team roles and personality types – Students engage in a team challenge applying negotiation skills and learning to listen to different opinions
STEP 3 – Motivation
Students uncover and face their own motivations. Where do these come from and how do these influence our choices
STEP 4 – Direction
Finishing off learner profiles and reviewing what decisions of what are we going to Start doing and Stop doing from what we have learnt
Personal Development Outcomes
1. Strategic planning
2. How do I usually communicate?
3. Problem solving
4. Critical thinking
5. Resolving conflict
6. Motivation and Innovation
7. Resilience and determination.
Learning Outcomes
• Increased awareness of own skills and abilities
• Improved confidence and self belief in own abilities
• Improved ability to listen and communicate effectively with others
• Increased awareness and concern for the natural
• Increased resilience and determination
• Increased understanding of the features of effective teams • Improved ability to plan, problem solve and review
Our Approach to learning
Structure tailored to your pupils and school needs:
Sessions can be structured hourly, half day or full day, each of these sessions will be designed to deliver specific learning outcomes and can be tailored to meet the individual needs of your group. Throughout each course we ensure that the experience and skills they acquire can be transferred back into their home, school or work environment.
How do I book a course?
If you are interested in booking a course or would like to discuss how we can tailor it to the individual needs of your group please email Stephen Bird at or call 07710 075977 or 01554 750005.