An activity day for The Salvation Army in Llanelli developing young people
Stand up and be known
Steve’s word for the week on being you and being community
Friendship is one of the most precious things we see being developed consistently throughout our youth events and activities.
There is no formula being outworked here, no social engineering just a safe space to express, to take a step outside some comfort and lose ourselves in the moment.
As I reflect on how many of these team events we have delivered throughout the years I’m humbly reminded at how friendship endures, encourages and strengthens through the storms of life.
As human beings we need each other, we are built to connect and connection is part of being human. This picture above is of an activity day we ran for the Salvation Army on 20 August 2018 on North Dock in Llanelli.
It sums up so much of what friendship and community is:
To journey together. Through the good times and the bad. To say in action, ‘I’m with you’.
To listen well. To find the rhythm within the relationship, to work to become in tune and stay in time, to go in the right direction
To step out and be known. Space to get it wrong, strength to get it right, to forgive, to be forgiven, to laugh and to cry, to choose be known.
Multiplying Future Leaders
You can model leadership, talk about leadership and even write about leaders; these are all great aspects of training, but miss something.
Experiencing leadership in action is the missing piece of the jigsaw.
Experiencing leadership in action this is what our Solid Ground leadership course is all about.
Last May 30 young adults aged between 18- 30 years old from around South Wales engage in a 3 day intensive programme.
Here’s what they had to say, and their words say it all:
“I have learned so much throughout these three days - thank you”
“More people should be on these courses - great!”
Your turn
If you would like to develop your young people through adventure leadership training or find out more about Solid Ground Leadership courses, do get in touch.