Life-changing projects from Loaded UK
The transition from “I can’t” to “ I can”
For the last six months we have been delivering a learning and personal development project.
This has supported young people who are at risk of failing to gain opportunities when leaving mainstream education.
“I did it! This has been an amazing experience!”
One of our Duke of Edinburgh groups completed their practice expedition this week.
Nothing that out of the ordinary, you might think.
But, for this group of 14 to 15-year olds from Swansea this has significantly burst their self- belief bubble, moving them from “I can’t” to “I can” and even more - “I want to!"
Not only did this group of seven smash this expedition training in good style - coming out stronger as a team and more competent in life skills - they completed it in a heat wave of 27
Well-done Cefn Hengoed crew 2018!
More about the project and our approach
The awards serve to increase changes in life and making the most of opportunities for young people through gaining qualification and awards.
These contribute to their access into further training or employment.
For us nothing is more important: the transformation of an individual’s belief about themselves and our capacity to choose differently, to choose life.
A core value of Loaded is in serving to develop character and we see the environment a person dwells in as a key factor in our healthy development.
Did you know?
Loaded UK is a LOTC Quality holder (certificate #R2QB104139)
This national award combines the essential elements of provision – learning and safety – into one easily recognisable and trusted accreditation scheme for all types of learning outside the classroom provider organisation.
Find out more about our accreditations here →
Your turn
If you would like to know more about our D of E expedition training package or about supporting your project please get in touch.