Before I came to Loaded UK I would loose my temper often especially in the classroom. I would get frustrated that I could not do the work. The team at Loaded through their care, dedication and support helped me manage my anger so much better.
As I said in the past I would get frustrated with my work and end up throwing the book across the classroom. This year has helped me plan out my work better and get on with it and get things done. I saw the progress and this has changed my belief, that I can do it.
The teachers have noticed the difference in my attitude and how I’m not so defensive and abusive with my language.
A lot of this was down to learning to manage myself better. Loaded had a big impact in what I was eating and my diet. Loaded didn’t force this upon anyone they modelled it everyday through what they were eating and they inviting me to have a go. I began to think more about what I was choosing to eat and began to look after my health better. This has made a massive difference.
Thank you LoadedUK Team for all your care and support
Jordon gained his bronze Duke of Edinburgh with us and completed a Level 2 BTEC in Personal Social Development.
Consequently Jordon when on to be accepted at college and is currently developing working toward his profession certificate in carpentry.