We offer educational programmes for...
Schools & colleges
We provide educational programmes for schools and colleges. We teach core competencies such as leadership, team working, problem solving, within curriculum objectives.
Team & Leadership Courses
We offer a range of bespoke youth leadership initiatives from employability skills to personal development. We coach leadership and team building programmes.
Learning & Behavioural Support
We specialise in working with pupils not in mainstream education. We offer alternative provision academies and pupil referral units.
Adventure Provision
Our qualified outdoor instructors provide a broad range of activities including mountaineering, orienteering, kayaking, caving, coasteering and rock climbing.

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our Mission
We are a youth development organisation specialising in learning and behavioural support for both main stream and alternative curriculum programmes.
We are passionate about seeing young people reach their potential and we achieve this through educational programmes that challenge and inspire.
We are dedicated to improving the life chances of children and young people. Our programmes focus on building character, developing leadership skills and teaching key competencies that will benefit them in life and employment.
We believe that through coaching and support, and by equipping young people with the right skills, they can better understand and manage the choices they make and the approach that they take.
We specialise in working with pupils outside of mainstream education. We use outdoor and creative art training to engage pupils and build trusting relationships, allowing them the space to find out who they are and then challenging them to take positive steps to change their behaviour.

“Loaded helped bring the curriculum to life through hands-on experience and practical guidance.
Volunteer with us
Volunteers play a vital in the LoadedUK youth programmes providing support, advice and encouragement to young people as they explore, learn and discover.
looking for experience
We offer an exciting and varied volunteer experience where you could be facilitating team discussions, leading creative sessions, assisting on adventure activities or supporting with hospitality and food service. We have a passionate team of qualified youth workers and outdoor instructors who are always on hand to support you as you support us.
Becoming a volunteer
If you’re looking for a special volunteer experience and you think you fit the bill then we’d love to hear from you. To become a volunteer you will need to complete our short online application form to tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to get involved.